Hi, My name is Conni Ponturo.
I am excited to bring you on a this journey with me of living a life filled with joy and movement.


To create a we’re-in-it-together mentality between you and your body.
To make movement & self-care as important in your daily routine as brushing your teeth and taking a shower.

- Compassion
- Integrity
- Honesty
- KIndness
- Generosity
To make life less serious and more joyful!!!!!
Meet Conni Ponturo

Conni the Author
Conni Ponturo is a leading authority in the field of pain-free living, which includes the power of creating a harmonious connection of mindset, emotions, and body. Respected for her unique approach to Transformational Movement that merges Pilates, meditation, and mindset, Conni Ponturo teaches her clients how to flourish at every stage and age of their life.
Conni the Speaker
Conni Ponturo has been in the health and wellness world for over 21 years. Her mission is to empower people into more movement and a deeper love for their magnificent bodies. As a former dancer, her career ended with the diagnosis of osteoarthritis, and with that, she thought all of her dreams ended. Conni realized her love of movement and her ability to see imbalances in the body makes for a perfect system to reeducate the body. Today, she is a multi-published author, vitality expert, and international speaker. Her latest book, “Listen”- watch what you say your body is listening is the roadmap to learning how to listen to your body for how it wants to move, how it wants to be valued, and how to flourish through self-care. Conni demonstrates how moving your body 30 minutes a day, can absolutely change how you feel.

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Conni is Healer/Coach
Owner of the highly regarded, Absolute Pilates Upstairs, based in Woodland Hills, California, Conni serves as an innovative transformational movement and lifestyle coach. Her expertise in rehabilitative training makes her highly sought after by the medical community for her ability to create a safe environment for recovery from hip replacements, spinal fusions, knee replacements, and other serious injuries. Conni holds multiple certifications including those from Pilates Method Alliance, Balanced Body, and Physical Mind Institute. She is a certified Breast Cancer Exercise Specialist with The Pink Ribbon Program. Conni Ponturo knows that the answer to pain-free living is within us.
Conni the Innovator
I look forward to my next big thing. Stay tuned…